Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to Pregnancy (again) :)

In about 15 minutes, I'll be heading off to my mandatory "Welcome to Pregnancy" class...although this is my fourth rodeo..I am still required to take it.  I can't tell you how different this pregnancy has been thus far.  From the very big SURPRISE when reading the digital stick which clearly spelled out pregnant...I was waiting for the "not" to show up...but that never happened :), to my ability to still run.  The morning sickness has kicked in, although miserable, it is welcomed because I know it means the pregnancy is most likely going well.  From time-to-time it is sinking in, but every once in a while, I find myself saying (in my head of course) "I CAN'T believe I'm pregnant again!!".  After giving all of my stuff away, we will be starting from scratch...which is kind of fun I guess....but so many things will change!  My career plans...we will need a bigger car...and our adoption plans will be put on hold...if they ever come about.  But, everything happens for a reason and I can't wait to cuddle this little bean inside of me and watch our family dynamics unfold yet again!  Off I go!